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Stay tuned to this blog for updates on the film, responses to your questions, and posts from the filmmakers and twins.

Friday, June 15, 2007

so much to blog about...

hi it's Mark Oliver. I just want to take a step back and reflect on all that's been going on and let anyone who does not know about what's coming up for me and Red Without Blue.

Clair is right -- Honolulu was a blast. It was so fun to hang out and lounge on the beach with my mom and Jennifer. (I know you are reading this mom) Thank you and miss you. We also met some nice locals at the film fest while we were there. Thanks again for your questions at the Q&A.

A day later, we were off to Portland for the first Qdoc film festival. It was a short trip, but was one of the best screenings we have ever had. The film was the opening night doc, so the first screening sold out. However, they had a 2nd screening after the first. David and Russ (the guys who put on the festival) hooked us up with a great hotel and invited us to the filmmakers brunch. There, Clair, Todd, Benita and I not only ate well, but met great filmmakers and supporters of the festival. It was great to meet so many friendly and smart people after the film screenings. There were quite a few sets of twins in the crowd- GO TWINS. I also ran into the mother of a girl I went to boarding school with. I found out her daughter was living in San Francisco also. After a day and a half, I was ready to move to Portland. David and I plan on taking a trip out there in the future.

Since being back in San Francisco we have had a lot of interviews for the frameline screening's and the Sundance premiere on the 25th. Everyone pick up a copy of today's Chronicle, or go to http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/06/16/MNGLNQGM8R1.DTL to read it. All of the interviews have been wonderful with great questions (Thanks Bill). We will post a link to the press once we have it. While I am on the topic of promoting the film, if you have not read this month's Advocate or the San Francisco Magazine, you should. Both have unique and well written articles on the film. SF Mag used beautiful photos by Jock Macdonald of Clair and me skipping rope.

These are the dates for Fameline31. Clair and I will be at both screenings to do a Q&A.

June 17 & 20, 2007 Frameline, San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival

June 17: 5:00 pm, The Victoria

June 20: 2:30 pm, The Castro Theatre San Francisco, California

See you there!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you for sharing your journey. I laughed (skeet shooting) and cried during the film. It really was intense and made me think of my own struggles and thoughts of suicide when I was younger.

Clair - stay golden. You are beautiful.

Mark & David - I live in SF and was really happy to see you on the street outside the screening for Superbooty and I came over and gave you a hug.

Peace & Love

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just watched Red without Blue. It's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. I'm from Ohio so I doubt if I ever run into you but hey, would love to chat with you sometime. my email address is donsilverbird at yahoo dot com

I'm glad you guys didn't commit suicide. I thought about it seriously a few times myself (long story). I wish you guys the best of luck....DON

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be honest as well - my questions are not meant to be hurtful or unkind - you have my sympathy really. I know all about what you guys went through except the transgender part. I'm twice your age and I still don't understand. But if you are going to make a movie about something, what are you trying to do? Are you asking for empathy or understanding? Are you trying to educate? Because I didn't get much out of this movie except what I started with myself - life is hard, unfair and confusing and we often are dealt a hand that is difficult or impossible to play. After that, then what? It has really been bugging me why you didn't stop Casey from raping the 10 year old boy. I need some clarification on that. Thanks and I hope things have turned around for you both. It seems as though it has. Jaroslaw99@aol.com