About this Blog:

Stay tuned to this blog for updates on the film, responses to your questions, and posts from the filmmakers and twins.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Ginormous Thank You

To all of you who came to Park City to support the film. This was the first film festival for all of us and being surrounded by family and friends made it more special than we ever could have imagined.

Thank you...

In other news:

The film has been getting some great press, here is a quick sample:

Rotten Tomatoes

The Advocate

Film Arts Blog


Saturday, January 27, 2007


We have been such slackers with this here blog...but if anything deserves a post it is this: Red Without Blue won the audience award at Slamdance!!! A little bird had told us that we were hadn't won any awards and the three of us had resigned ourselves to a night of drinking and palavering with other film dorks. Needless to say, when our names were called, we did not give the most eloquent of acceptance speeches. I am sure in some alternate universe we would have composed ourselves with more grace and dignity. However, in this universe, for that award, three stupefied grins that stretched from ear to ear will do for now.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Slamdance - day 2

How crazy it is here in Park City this week. I had no idea what to expect - but this is just madness! People promoting their films, companies promoting their products, free stuff everywhere. Slamdance gave us some awesome gifts - a puffy jacket, boots, and a messenger bag. As much as this whole culture of giving branded stuff away bothers me, we did the same. We're handing out fingerless gloves, red and blue, with the name of the film. Ok - gotta go to another party!
